The artist is Kholuev
The artist, reflecting on the plan of the picture, said: “Gradually, the memory of the past becomes as if a document. And I, as, probably, everyone wanted to penetrate the living tense life of the glorious era himself. To see people for whom the revolution was the same everyday work as our peaceful work today “. When creating the canvas, a well -known documentary frame was used in. AND. Lenin bypasses the front of the universal troops on Red Square in Moscow May 25, 1919 “. The author has strengthened the dynamism of the composition due to the detailed diagonal construction, which emphasizes the energy of the leader’s movement, who is staring at the ranks of the fighters. (A. D.)
The soldiers of the revolution
The bloody time of the Civil War needed their heroes, and they appeared in the radiance of the heroic-romantic halo. Poems and songs were composed of them, novels and poems were written. Artists, especially professionals of the historical and battal genre, were delegated to the hottest spots to write portraits of “commissioners in dusty helmets” (b. Sh. Okudzhava) and paintings perpetuating their exploits. But the main burden of current revolutionary hardships fell on the shoulders of ordinary people – workers, soldiers, sailors, peasants – and they sang the masses performed by valor, which makes up a single whole with their leaders and commanders. (T. H.)
Electronic catalog “Heroes and villains of Russian history”. SPb, 2010. WITH. 392.