The artist is Vatenin
In one of the works of Valery Vatenin – “Portrait of Svetlana” – his little daughter carelessly cuts out pictures from the catalog of daddy work.
Throughout the 1960-1980s, the children’s topic resolutely leaves ideological control and returns to the bosom of the family and personal space. This coincides with the gradual convergence of the propaganda of the Soviet lifestyle, a special case of which was an exemplary Soviet childhood. A child is an object of love contemplation and a vessel of spirituality, which intelligent parents seek to fill with knowledge, skills and achievements of culture. Children draw, play and read the “Book behind the Book”. The state with its requests retreats to the distant plan. The child no longer require sacrifice and self -denial, he has the right to make a mistake, to failure, and even to “again deuce”. Lyubov Shakirova. Caution: childhood! // Children of the Country of Soviets. SPb, 2017. WITH. 8.
Almost all children’s portraits created by Russian artists in recent decades of the twentieth century were made in a traditional realistic manner. The artist does not need to look for hints and allegories, select complex associations to disclose the world of the children’s soul, not burdened with doubts and disappointments. (A. A.).
The daughter of the artist Svetlana is depicted (genus. 1959).
Russian portrait. XX century: St. Petersburg, 2001. WITH. 308.