The artist is Modorov
Fedor Modorov writes in the victorious year of Partizan-a ceremonial portrait of twice Hero of the Soviet Union, Major General Sidor Artemyevich Kovpak. Dressed in a ceremonial tunic and during awards, he is still in suspense: his eyebrows are shifted, the gaze of an experienced warrior is harsh. The victory took place, but as if the hero is still waiting for a sudden attack and is ready to join the battle. Egor Mogilevsky. “The best memory is true to them …” // Memory. To the 75th anniversary of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War . SPb, 2020. WITH. 7.
Sidor Artemyevich (Artyomovich) Kovpak (1887-1967) – Soviet military leader, state and public figure. During the Great Patriotic War-one of the organizers of the partisan movement on the territory of the Ukrainian SSR, the commander of the Putivli partisan detachment, then the Sumy partisan former, even later-the 1st Ukrainian Partisan Division).
The Sumy partisan unit under the command of Kovpak was with battles on the rear of the Nazi troops more than 10 thousand kilometers, defeated the enemy garrisons in 39 settlements. Kovpak raids played a big role in deploying a partisan movement against German invaders.
April 9, 1943 from. A. Kovpaku was awarded the military title “Major General”.
In January 1944, the Sumy partisan former was renamed the 1st Ukrainian Partisan Division named after. A. Kovpak.
Twice Hero of the Soviet Union: by decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of May 18, 1942, for the exemplary fulfillment of combat missions in the rear of the enemy, the courage and heroism shown during their fulfillment, Kovpak Sidor Artemyevich was awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union with the award of the Order of Lenin and the Golden Star of the Medal “Golden Star “(No. 708); The second medal “Golden Star” Major General Kovpak Sidor Artemyevich was awarded by decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of January 4, 1944 for the successful holding of the Carpathian raid;