
The artist is Deineka

In the last year of the war, joyful colors appear in the harsh palette of Deineki. In the summer of 1944, he completed the panel he had begun even before the war "Expanse". The Great Patriotic War is not over yet. The country from the Baltic to the Black Sea shakes the canades and the howl of the bombing. But nothing – neither the roar of war, nor death, no hunger, no mud of trenches, no wagons with dying, cannot kill people’s attraction to true beauty.
Bright sunny day. White clouds melt in hot haze. The river flows slowly, playing in the rays of light with colorful glare. Behind her is forest, fields … – Brave Russian open spaces. A group of girls runs out on a high coast. Their tanned bodies, wet after swimming, shine, golden from sunlight. It seems that they rush faster than the wind, suddenly arise in front of a delighted viewer, rush past and disappear outside the canvas … Alexander Deineka writes an ode of life. Filled by the sun, pierced by the hot breath of youth, the picture became the embodiment of hope and faith that Russia is alive, victorious, strong and enchantedly beautiful. And Russian girls are like ancient goddesses – slender, beautiful, quick -footed. The heroines of Deineki are not invented, the artist finds them in everyday life. But at the same time, every image is the embodiment of the artist’s dream of a free, harmoniously developed person – the creator of a wonderful future.
The picture created by the artist is perceived as a joyful song-gimn of peaceful life against the vast expanses of the native land.

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