Portrait and. IN. Stalin

The artist is Bubnov Bubnov worked with constant success in various genres: historical, domestic, portrait. In the late 1940s, he created a series of portraits of political figures of the Soviet state, including several portraits of Stalin. In the portrait of 1949, Bubnov builds a monumental and, at the same time, an informal image of…

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Portrait and. IN. Stalin

The artist is Oreshnikov Back in the 1930s, the ideological and creative task of creating the images of the “brilliant creators” of the socialism of Lenin and Stalin and their closest associates was officially set. Respecting these requirements, totalitarian art has turned into one of the main instruments of the regime to create a leader…

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The artist is Sokolov -Skal The Youth Underground Komsomol Organization “Young Guard” operated in the Ukrainian mining town of Krasnodon occupied by the Germans from July 1942 to February 1943. The Young Guards distributed leaflets, prevented the restoration of mines, destroyed the labor exchange, saving people from theft to Germany, conducted sabotage and prepared an…

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