The artist is Chebakov
The fate of Pavel Trofimovich Morozov (1918–1932), a native of the village of Gerasimovka of the Tobolsk province, which entered Soviet history as Pavlik Morozov, developed tragically. The young pioneer, according to the official version, could not calmly observe how his father, the chairman of the local village council, helped his fists hide good, made fake documents to them, and thereby, according to Morozov, “created a clear counter -revolution”. The statement filed by him led to the arrest of his father and the court over him. Soon Pavlik and his eight -year -old brother Fedor, who went to the forest in the berries, were killed by vengeful relatives – grandfather, cousin and godfather Paul. This murder received wide publicity and was used for political purposes. The name of Pavlik Morozov was the first to be listed in the book of Honor of the Pioneer Organization and appropriated by the uncountable number of pioneer squads. Maxim Gorky wrote: “The memory of him should not disappear – this little hero deserves the monument, and I am sure that the monument will be delivered”. Since the time of perestroika, Pavlik has been accused of denunciation of his own father. However, this did not take into account the dramatic position of the teenager, who had previously been subjected to cruel bullying of his father and accepted his responsibility for the family after he abandoned her. In the picture, in accordance with the traditional interpretation, a romanticized image of Pavel Morozov, opposing the environment that was hostile to him. (A. D.)
Electronic catalog “Heroes and villains of Russian history”. SPb, 2010. WITH. 452.